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AxioWorks Newsletter October 2021: Focus on customer service and a webinar on its way

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another exciting issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

October has proven to be a busy month for the industry with our team working hard to ensure the best customer service and the warmest welcome for our newest members.

We are currently working on hosting SharePoint webinars. If you would like to collaborate with AxioWorks in any way or you know an industry expert who might do so and if you have any suggestions for an event topic, feel free to reach out.

During the past few months we have also been collecting use cases and testimonials which will go live shortly. If a member of our team hasn’t reached out to you yet, and you would like to take part in a use case or an interview, please email us to set it up.

Focus blog entry: Gain valueable Insights into your PowerApps using Application Insights

Power Platform provides a great way for citizen developers to develop Apps using low-code/no-code tools like PowerApps, PowerAutomate, and PowerBI. With this approach, the focus is more towards designing an App that provides business value to the business users than the architecture used for developing App. This provides a platform for citizen developers to build Apps at a lightning pace that does deliver value to the business however once the App is in the user’s hands, there is little you can do within Power Platform to gain some insights on how the App is performing or how it is being used by the users.

Read all about it in this month’s article: Gain valueable Insights into your PowerApps using Application Insights.

SQList feature of the month: AppId and AppSecret authentication for SharePoint Online Connection

When it comes to setting up connection to SharePoint Online, SQList provides several authentication methods one of which is SharePoint App-Only authentication.

There are several benefits of using SharePoint App-Only authentication which includes configuring connection to SharePoint Online without using user credentials, so you don’t have to worry about configuring user permissions for each user that uses SQList. Secondly, if your Azure AD is setup to use MFA, then this provides an alternative way for the service to authenticate without user interaction.

If you want to know more details about this feature, check out the video blog explaining how it works: Configure AxioWorks SQList for SharePoint App Only Authentication

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

Microsoft Ignite 2021 guide to SharePoint, OneDrive, Viva, Lists, Syntex, Stream, Visio and more

What: Microsoft Ignite. When: November 2 – 4, 2021 – All digital event. Sessions: 12 keynotes – 393 overall sessions – 50 breakouts – 123 on-demand. Presenters: 250+ speakers – Microsoft, MVPs, and community members. Cost: Free.
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Why use SQList to generate Power BI reports from SharePoint lists, rather than using the Power BI native connector to SharePoint?

he main reason is that in practical terms using the native connector only works for small amount of data and simple queries. When you start using it on lists with many thousands of items and/or want to run queries across many large lists, you soon hit limitations in terms of amount of data you can query and the time it takes to execute them.
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What are Microsoft Forms?

If you happen to click on an App Launcher within your Office 365 suite, you will notice an app called Forms. In this article, I want to introduce you to this beautiful application and advise you on several use cases for it.
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Let us know what you think about this newsletter
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That’s all folks, till next time.

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