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AxioWorks Newsletter December 2021: How has 2021 been for you?

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another exciting issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

A short retrospective on 2021

So, here we are, the end of 2021, how has it been for you?

For us here at AxioWorks it’s been a challenging year but, overall, we can’t complain. But boy, didn’t we think the world would be back on its feet in a matter of months, back in January…

In terms of business as usual, we managed well. The maintenance and improvement of SQList has not been affected that much, we released the upgrades that were planned on schedule, some of them substantial. We committed to keeping the high quality of our Customer service and Technical support, we believe we achieved that. And even our revenue for the year has not been too bad all considered; we’re not back at pre-Covid levels yet but we fared much better than the many companies that have been wrecked in other sectors.

Where we did not succeed as we had hoped to, was on our attempts to grow our business, both in size and reach. Some of the changes we made on the sales and marketing areas did not pay off as we had hoped and we were not able to retain some of the new staff we had hired earlier in the year. We could blame Covid for all that and feel good about ourselves, it sure didn’t make things easy, but the truth is that we just didn’t do it right. Oh well, lesson learnt, we’ll try again in 2022.

So, that’s more or less it for this year. As always a big thank you to all of our customers who help us make SQList better and better, your cooperation and feedback are priceless.

We wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Focus blog entry: What went down in MS Ignite 2021: Power Apps Edition

When we talk about the biggest annual tech conferences of the year, Microsoft Ignite comes to mind where not only do we get a view of all their product road maps but it is also jam-packed with some great features for every product and this year was no different. This year at Microsoft Ignite, More than 90 new services and updates were introduced including some great new features for each component of  Microsoft Power Platform boosting productivity and bringing innovation to low-code app development and automation for citizen developers, business analysts, IT admins, and professional developers. In this blog, we will cover the most interesting features of Power Apps introduced in Ms Ignite.

Read all about it in this month’s article: What went down in MS Ignite 2021: Power Apps Edition.

SQList feature of the month: Renaming destination SQL tables

Previously, there was no way of changing the name of the destination tables generated in SQL Server database and they were based on the table prefix and list name. In SQList, we have introduced a new feature which will allow users to provide the name they want to set for the output SQL table of each list.

In replication wizard, simply select the list you want to export, click on the “SQL table name and columns” button which will open up a dialog where you can set the “Preferred name” for the SQL table.

If you want to know more about this feature, check out this video: Rename the SQL Server tables created by SQList

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

How to create an awesome Human Resources SharePoint Site

Organizations differ in types and sizes, but one common thread among all is that every company has a Human Resources SharePoint site in some shape or form. You can’t run a company without one for legal and other reasons. In any case, it is always necessary to share specific information, updates, and documents with employees. SharePoint Intranet naturally offers an excellent platform for Human Resources to share and disseminate information.
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How to post to WordPress using SharePoint and the Power Platform

Did you know that over 40% of websites on the internet built are using WordPress? With the rapid growth of Microsoft Teams and thousands of companies turning to online cloud services such as Microsoft 365, it requires quite the learning curve and skillset to stay on top of all the services you may need to keep your business running efficiently.
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Asynchronous refresh now available in Power BI for public preview

As Power BI becomes a superset of Azure Analysis Services, the asynchronous refresh REST API for Power BI brings built-in features for reliability, such as auto retries and batched commits. It is a significant improvement to the existing Power BI refresh capabilities, providing enterprise grade refresh capability for your largest datasets!
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That’s all folks, till next time.

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