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AxioWorks Newsletter January 2022: Hello 2022, good bye Covid (we hope)

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another exciting issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

Wow, January’s already gone, that was quick. But it has been a good month for us here at AxioWorks.

This long Covid crisis took away the momentum we had built up, but we’re now noticing a definite increase in activity on several fronts. At last, we seem to see the end of Covid on the horizon, approaching fast. Shall we dare be optimistic?

Working flat out on many fronts…

We are building partnerships with SharePoint consultants and solution providers. We are still at the “initial chat” stage, but we have made some very promising contacts. Watch this space.

We are proud to be a sponsor and exhibitor at CollabDays Bletchley Park 2022 on 23rd February. Everything about the latest Microsoft technologies at the most incredible venue one could ever want! If you are attending, come to our boot and say hello, we’d love that! Read all details about the conference here.

At long last, after two years of postponements, we’ve started working on SQList Online! This version will not require you to install anything in your environment, you will be able to configure your replications directly on our portal in a completely secure environment. Nothing to see yet but plenty to come.

We have started collecting reviews for SQList on Capterra, a leading software reviews and selection platform. If you would like to read what some of our customers have to say, or indeed leave a review, visit our review page here.

As always, the maintenance and improvement of SQList goes on, we’re planning to release a new SQList update in about a month.

Focus blog entry: What went down at MS Ignite 2021: Power Automate and Power Virtual Agent Edition

When we talk about the biggest annual tech conferences of the year, Microsoft Ignite comes to mind where not only do we get a view of all their product road maps but it is also jam-packed with some great features for every product and this year was no different.

Read all about it in this month’s article: What went down at MS Ignite 2021: Power Automate and Power Virtual Agent Edition.

SQList feature of the month: Export SharePoint lists to SQL Server with special characters in the list or column names

SQList uses the SharePoint list and column “Internal name” by default to generate SQL table and column names during export to SQL Server. However, if the column name in list has Special/Non-Latin characters then SharePoint replaces them with hex codes like “_x00123_” and SQList removes them from the generated SQL column or table name.

If you want to keep the SQL column names identical to the SharePoint column names, there is a setting available in “Advanced Export Options” called “Use Display Name” which once enabled makes SQList use the “Display name” instead of “Internal name” to generate SQL table and column names.

If you want to know more about this feature, check out this video: Export SharePoint lists to SQL Server with special characters in the list or column names

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

How to share list items

Sharing content from SharePoint with others inside or outside of the organization is the core capability and is probably its most appealing feature. When we talk about sharing, we typically talk about documents or folders, or sites. However, we can now also share individual items from the lists, which I want to explain in this article.
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Data lakes take on big data

The world is generating more data than ever. In 2020 alone, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created or replicated, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC). The IDC also projects that the amount of digital data created over the next five years will be greater than twice the amount of data created since the beginning of digital storage.
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Edit vs. Contribute Permission Levels in SharePoint Online

I am not being original in publishing a post about this topic. If you google Edit vs. Contribute Permission Levels in SharePoint Online, you will get many posts covering this very important and one of the most infamous subjects in SharePoint. Since I receive lots of questions from my clients and loyal followers still on the matter, I decided to drop a few words of wisdom on this issue as well.
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6 ways to benefit from Managed Properties in SharePoint Online

In one of my previous blog posts, I explained the concept of a Managed Property and how to create one. What I did not discuss back then was why the hell we need a Managed Property and what would be the benefit of going through the whole pain of creating one. So in this article, I would like to provide a few examples of where we can take advantage of a Managed Property in SharePoint Online.
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That’s all folks, till next time.

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