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AxioWorks Newsletter February 2022: A good month

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another exciting issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

In last month’s newsletter we were optimistic about 2022, we saw signs of recovery after the long Covid downturn. February has not changed our feelings, in fact we can say it was a good month. Businesswise for AxioWorks that is, because the real world news are anything but good at the moment…

But let’s just look at our small world. We have seen a definite increase in interest is SQList this month, and received very good feedback! We think that is due to more businesses getting back on their feet and investing in new projects as well as our continued efforts to increase visibility of SQList.

On the 23rd, we attended CollabDays Bletchley Park 2022 and we were proud to be one of the sponsors. The event was a success! Great sessions throughout the day about everything Microsoft 365, Power Platform, SharePoint, you name it, and held at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park! Simply a dream place for any I.T. passionate.

We are working hard on SQList Online, the cloud based version of SQList that will not require you to install anything in your environment. Simply configure your replications directly on our portal in a completely secure environment and press the button; we’ll take care of running and monitoring your replications for you. We should be able to have a demo out there in a month or so, but it’s still too early days to announce specific dates.

As always, the maintenance and improvement of SQList on-premise continues. We’re working on some major improvements to the replication engine that, let’s say, “will eat thousands of lists for breakfast”. Nuff said.

We are collecting reviews for SQList on Capterra, a leading software reviews and selection platform. If you have a few minutes, please leave a review here, we would really (really!) appreciate it.

Focus blog entry: Five most awesome features in MS Lists

Microsoft Lists previously known as SharePoint Lists have been widely used for maintaining and storing data in SharePoint and its usage has grown even more ever since it has been integrated into MS Teams. Microsoft has recently introduced some exciting new features in MS Ignite which makes MS Lists a must-use tool for storing and maintaining information for business users and it’s not just limited to O365 as well. In this blog, I will share 5 of the most exciting MS List features which help users achieve greater productivity and collaborate efficiently.

Read all about it in this month’s article: Five most awesome features in MS Lists.

SQList feature of the month: Export Lists created in Microsoft Lists to SQL Server

Microsoft Lists is an evolution of SharePoint lists. However, unlike SharePoint Lists, Microsoft Lists provide an option to create and manage lists independent of SharePoint as well.

So, users have the options to create lists using Microsoft Lists App in Office365 or using Lists App in Microsoft Teams as well. SQList Manager can export lists created using Microsoft Lists with data stored in lists the same way as you would export SharePoint Lists via replication to SQL Server.

If you want to know more about this feature, check out this video: Export lists created in Microsoft Lists to SQL Server

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference Keynotes Revealed

Drumroll please! The European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference is delighted to announce the complete Keynote line-up for this year’s conference, taking place Nov 28 – Dec 1 in Copenhagen.
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How to set up expiration for guest access to SharePoint and OneDrive

As I stated in one of my previous blog posts, External sharing in SharePoint is one big matzo ball. Trying to understand external sharing requires lots of patience and alcohol consumption. I tried to explain the concept many times on my blog, and you can find a summary of all the options here.
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DAX And Power Query | Creating Self-Sorting Columns

Subsequent to a recent DAX pop quiz that I prepared and posted on LinkedIn, one of the people who responded to the quiz raised a fascinating idea, via which text columns no longer needed a numeric sort column to put them in proper order.
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SharePoint Content Management: Distributed vs. Centralized

In modern SharePoint, we have content management tools which have been honed over decades of SharePoint use. At the same time, our ideas about content management have evolved over that time. People are far more comfortable maintaining content on the Web than they were when SharePoint first was released.
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That’s all folks, till next time.

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