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Case study: Streamlining Medical Trial Data Analysis in the Pharmaceutical industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, conducting medical trials and analysing the resulting data are critical for the success of any company. This case study explores how this innovative approach enabled the organization to unlock near real-time data querying and reporting capabilities, leveraging their existing tools and expertise without disrupting their SharePoint or SQL Server environment.

Background and Challenge

The pharmaceutical company, with its focus on medical trials, had accumulated an immense amount of valuable data within its SharePoint platform. However, given the limitations of SharePoint, the organization encountered significant challenges in accessing and querying the information effectively. The company’s existing infrastructure did not provide the necessary tools or environment to run complex queries or generate timely reports, ultimately hampering their decision-making processes.

Solution: Introducing SQList

To address these challenges, the pharmaceutical company engaged AxioWorks, an expert in data integration and migration solutions. AxioWorks proposed implementing SQList, a powerful tool that enables the replication of SharePoint data into SQL Server. SQList acts as a bridge between SharePoint and SQL Server, allowing the pharmaceutical company to utilize the familiar SQL language for querying and reporting purposes.

AxioWorks worked closely with the company’s IT team to set up SQList, configuring it to replicate the entire SharePoint data repository to a dedicated SQL Server database. This replication process occurred in near real-time, ensuring that any changes made in SharePoint were promptly reflected in the SQL Server database. Moreover, SQList ensured that the SharePoint environment remained untouched, guaranteeing data integrity and security. The entire process took no longer than a few hours.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of SQList brought numerous benefits to the pharmaceutical company. Firstly, by replicating SharePoint data to SQL Server, the organization gained the ability to leverage their existing in-house skills and tools, specifically SQL querying and Power BI reporting. This eliminated the need for additional training or investments in new technology, resulting in substantial cost savings.

Furthermore, with data replication occurring in near real-time, the company now had access to the most up-to-date information for analysis and reporting. This accelerated their decision-making processes, enabling them to respond swiftly to emerging trends or changing trial outcomes.

The introduction of SQList also empowered the organization’s data analysts and scientists to run complex queries on vast datasets with ease. By utilizing SQL Server’s robust querying capabilities, they could extract valuable insights from the replicated data, gaining a deeper understanding of trial outcomes, patient responses, and other critical parameters.

Moreover, the seamless integration of SQList with Power BI provided the pharmaceutical company with powerful reporting and visualization capabilities. They could create interactive dashboards and reports, allowing stakeholders to monitor trial progress, identify patterns, and make informed decisions promptly.


Through the deployment of SQList, the pharmaceutical company was able to overcome the limitations of their SharePoint-based data storage and retrieval system. AxioWorks’s solution not only replicated their data to SQL Server in near real-time but also enabled them to leverage their existing tools and skills, resulting in enhanced data analysis, reporting, and decision-making capabilities.

AxioWorks SQList continuously export SharePoint lists and libraries as normalised SQL Server tables, making live SharePoint data available to reporting tools like Power BICrystal Reports, or SSRS.

#PharmaceuticalIndustry #MedicalTrials #DataAnalysis #SharePoint #SQLServer #DataIntegration #DataReplication #BusinessIntelligence #PowerBI #DataInsights #RealTimeAnalytics #HealthcareTechnology #DataManagement #DecisionMaking #DataVisualization #DigitalTransformation #InnovationInHealthcare #DataDrivenDecisions #ClinicalResearch #HealthcareAnalytics

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