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Can I change the format of the SQL table names?

By default, SQList creates the SQL Server table by concatenating:

  • Name of the site: this is the "Site Name" defined in the SharePoint site definition in SQList Manager;
  • Table prefix separator: by default ":";
  • Name of the SharePoint list: spaces and special characters are removed.

If a list has a multi-lookup column, the following are also appended:

  • Table suffix separator: by default ".";
  • Name of the multi-lookup column: spaces and special characters are removed.

If a list has attachments enabled, the following are also appended:

  • Table suffix separator: by default ".";
  • "_Attachments"
The default schema for all tables is "dbo".
Examples for a site named "AxioWorks":
A list named "Orders":
A list named "Products" with attachments enabled:
A list named "Bundles" with a multi-lookup column named "Bundled products":
How to customise the table names
The format of the table names can be customised by changing the setting in SQList Manager.
To assign different schema names for different SharePoint sites:

  • Select the "Use as schema name" checkbox in the site's settings in SQList manager (the schema name must exist in the database, SQList will not create it).
 Warning: using this setting, SQList will use the schema name to identify the tables that belong to a site and drop any table that does not belong. This could be a problem if you have other tables with the same schema name. To override this behaviour, use the setting "Never drop tables from database".