By default, SQList creates the SQL Server table by concatenating:
- Name of the site: this is the "Site Name" defined in the SharePoint site definition in SQList Manager;
- Table prefix separator: by default ":";
- Name of the SharePoint list: spaces and special characters are removed.
If a list has a multi-lookup column, the following are also appended:
- Table suffix separator: by default ".";
- Name of the multi-lookup column: spaces and special characters are removed.
If a list has attachments enabled, the following are also appended:
- Table suffix separator: by default ".";
- "_Attachments"
The default schema for all tables is "dbo".
Examples for a site named "AxioWorks":
A list named "Orders":
A list named "Products" with attachments enabled:
A list named "Bundles" with a multi-lookup column named "Bundled products":
How to customise the table names
To assign different schema names for different SharePoint sites:
- Select the "Use as schema name" checkbox in the site's settings in SQList manager (the schema name must exist in the database, SQList will not create it).
Warning: using this setting, SQList will use the schema name to identify the tables that belong to a site and drop any table that does not belong. This could be a problem if you have other tables with the same schema name. To override this behaviour, use the setting "Never drop tables from database".