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What is new in SQList ver.

Version of SQList is a minor update; you can therefore upgrade for free if you have a licensed version 7.x. To download the latest version of SQList visit https://www.axioworks.com/sqlist-download/

There are no breaking changes in this release.

See below a summary of the changes.

Added feature to customise SQL column types

By default, SQList generates SQL columns of the type that most closely matches the column of the corresponding SharePoint column.

In some cases, there may be the need to override this type; for example, when a SharePoint column is not an OOTB column and SQList.

This is now possible in the column selector panel, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Added the possibility to reset Global Settings

Changes to the Global Settings can affect all replications running in SQList. In some cases you may need to bring back settings that you have changed to their default value.
This feature is available for Export Settings at replication and list level, but it was not available for Global Settings.

We have now added this feature.

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Added support for right-to-left languages

We have improved the support for non-Latin right-to-left languages.

The screenshot below shows the replication of a site in Hebrew.

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Minor changes and fixes

  • We have removed chat support directly form SQList Manager
  • Minor cosmetic tweaks.